Selphyl vs. Traditional PRP: What’s the Difference?

/ Selphyl vs. Traditional PRP: What’s the Difference?

Selphyl PRP Treatment in Hoboken, NJ and Weehawken, NJ | 1aesthetics

Selphyl vs. Traditional PRP: What’s the Difference?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy has gained popularity for its natural rejuvenating effects. The Selphyl System stands out among the various PRP treatments for its ideal approach and benefits. But how does it compare to traditional PRP?

This blog will explore the differences and advantages of Selphyl over traditional PRP treatments, helping you make an informed choice for your aesthetic needs.

Understanding PRP and the Selphyl System

What is Traditional PRP?

Traditional PRP therapy includes drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting the PRP into the treatment area. The growth factors in the platelets help stimulate cell growth, tissue repair, and collagen production. Due to its regenerative properties, this method is widely used for skin rejuvenation, hair growth, and even joint healing.

What is Selphyl?

The Selphyl System is an advanced form of PRP treatment that uses a similar process but with some key enhancements. Introduced in 2009 and often called the “vampire facelift,” Selphyl starts with a blood draw but includes an additional step to create a Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM).

This matrix allows for a more controlled and sustained release of growth factors, leading to more significant and longer-lasting results.

The Selphyl Procedure

The Selphyl treatment is performed in a physician’s office and typically takes 30 minutes. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown.

Blood Draw

A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient using a standard procedure. This process is similar to what you might experience during routine blood tests at a doctor’s office.
The amount of blood drawn is typically minimal and should not cause any significant discomfort or side effects.


The drawn blood is then placed in a special vacuum tube containing a cell separator gel. This gel is designed to separate the different components of the blood during centrifugation efficiently.

When the blood is spun in a centrifuge, the centrifugal force causes the denser components (red and white blood cells) to settle below the gel while the lighter components (plasma and platelets) remain within the gel. This separation process ensures that the plasma and platelets are isolated for further processing.

Formation of PRFM

Once the plasma and platelets are separated, they are transferred to another vacuum tube that contains a calcium chloride solution. This solution plays a crucial role in activating the platelets. Activation is a key step as it triggers the platelets to release growth factors.

These growth factors are essential for stimulating tissue regeneration and healing. The combination of activated platelets and plasma forms the Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM), a more stable and effective version of traditional PRP.


The PRFM is then carefully injected into the treatment area. The injection process is typically guided by imaging techniques to ensure precise placement. Once injected, the PRFM begins to release growth factors at the site of injury or treatment.

These growth factors stimulate cell growth, promote collagen production, and accelerate the healing process. The sustained release of growth factors from the PRFM provides prolonged therapeutic benefits, making it an effective treatment for various conditions.

Benefits of the Selphyl System

The Selphyl System offers several distinct advantages over traditional PRP treatments:

Individualized Treatment

Selphyl is created from the patient’s blood, making it a completely personalized treatment. This autologous approach ensures that the body accepts the treatment without risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects.


The Selphyl treatment contains no animal or synthetic products, significantly reducing the possibility of side effects. This makes it a safe option for individuals looking to rejuvenate their skin naturally.

Improved Aesthetic Results

The controlled release of growth factors from the PRFM leads to more effective and longer-lasting results. Patients can expect smoother skin, diminished signs of aging, and improved overall appearance within 2 to 3 weeks after treatment.

Minimal Downtime

Recovery from Selphyl treatment is quick and easy. While bruising may occur, it typically resolves within 8 to 24 hours, allowing patients to return to their daily activities almost immediately.

Who Can Benefit from Selphyl?

The Selphyl System is suitable for many patients, regardless of ethnicity or skin type. It is especially beneficial for those looking to:

  • Reduce the signs of aging
  • Improve the looks of wrinkles around the nose, nasolabial folds, and smile lines.
  • Fade-deep acne scars and pockmarks
  • Enhance the fullness of hollow cheeks

Comparing Selphyl and Traditional PRP

Procedure and Preparation

While both Selphyl and traditional PRP start with a blood draw, the key difference lies in the preparation process. Traditional PRP is prepared by simply centrifuging the blood to concentrate the platelets. In contrast, Selphyl includes an additional step to create a fibrin matrix, enhancing the treatment’s effectiveness.

Efficacy and Results

Selphyl’s controlled release of growth factors through the fibrin matrix often leads to more pronounced and longer-lasting results than traditional PRP. Patients report smoother skin, fewer wrinkles, and a more youthful appearance with Selphyl.

Safety and Side Effects

Both treatments are generally safe since they use the patient’s blood. However, Selphyl’s autologous and additive-free nature further reduces the risk of side effects, making it an ideal choice for those concerned about safety.


Due to the additional preparation steps and materials used, the cost of Selphyl may be slightly higher than that of traditional PRP. However, the enhanced results and longevity of Selphyl treatments often justify the extra expense for many patients.

To Conclude

Choosing between Selphyl and traditional PRP depends on your specific needs and aesthetic goals. While traditional PRP offers excellent regenerative benefits, Selphyl’s advanced process provides a more personalized, effective, and longer-lasting solution for skin rejuvenation.

If you’re considering a PRP treatment, consult a qualified professional at Edgewater Cosmetic Center to determine the best option. Our experts can guide you through the process and help you get the best youthful, radiant skin you desire.

Book an appointment with us here at Edgewater Cosmetic Center to explore the benefits of Selphyl PRP and start your journey towards a more youthful appearance today! We hope to see you around our clinic! 

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